Gustav Mahler Prize
Piano Competition 2022

Gustav Mahler Prize Winners
Results of the Gustav Mahler Prize Piano Competition 2022
Application Procedure
Application shall be submitted exclusively electronically by completing an online form at (at the end of this page) and paying a registration fee. A proof of payment of the fee shall accompany the application. Applications may be submitted no later than May 31, 2022. You will receive a final confirmation of your participation in the competition after you have submitted your application and credited the payment of the registration fee to our bank account.
Registration fee:
1st - 5th category - € 40
6th - 8th category - € 75
9th - 11th category - € 100
The bank fee is paid by the sender of the payment.
To pay the registration fee, use our bank account::
IBAN: CZ4820100000002601525645
Owner: Institut Gustava Mahlera, z.s.
address: Fio banka, a.s., Millennium Plaza, V Celnici 10, 117 21 Prague, Czech Republic
Fee can be paid via payPal (please use our email for Paypal:
Please, enter the name of the competitor in the note/message to the recipient.
The registration fee is non-refundable.
Application form
Wait for confirmation that your application has been successfully submitted. If you have a problem submit your application, please contact us here