Under support:
Gustav Mahler Prize Piano Competition 2021
of the Gustav Mahler Prize Piano Competition 2021

Dear competitors,
Dear teachers,
The results are out, and the jury is thrilled to announce the winners of each category.
We listened through many hours of your recordings (in total 163 pianists applied) and we all thoroughly enjoyed the playing and admired the talent that you all possess.
Sadly, we are only able to award a limited number of prices, however we have decided to assign several special prices too, especially to those, whose performance of a specific repertoire was standing out from the rest.
Many congratulations to you and to your teachers, who prepared you so well for the competition despite the difficult situation that was caused by the Covid19 pandemic.
I also would like to thank for participating and praise those, who didn't get awarded one of the top three prizes- we heard many good performances that perhaps were not perfect, however, they showed your pianistic abilities and musical sensitivity that surely will be developing and improving in the years to come.
Once again, well done to all and hope to see many of you again in the next years' edition of the Gustav Mahler Piano Prize 2022.
With best wishes and enjoy the summer!
Univ.Prof. Libor Novacek BMus MMus
Chairman of the jury
(presents the possibility of a concert performance (orchestral or chamber concert) in future years)
Anfisa Bobylova, Russia/Austria / video
Prize of Chief Conductor of the Gustav Mahler Philharmonic Jihlava
Bong Jung Woo, South Korea / video
Prize for the best Czech or Slovak competitor
(The piano stool Hidrau was donated by the company Steinway Piano Gallery Plzeň - Drnek Piana)
Nora Lubbadová, Czechia / video 1 video 2
Prize of Director of Gustav Mahler Institute Prague
Ester Zoubková, Czechia / video
Prize of AHUV
(presents a concert in Prague)
Ryan Wang, Canada / video 1 video 2
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Fryderyk Chopin - Amálie Vlčková, Czechia / video
- Arabelle Grote, USA / video
- Anna Zimowska, Poland / video
- Joy Chuang, Taiwan / video
- Ryan Wang, Canada / video 1 video 2
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Klement Slavicky - Matyáš Charvát, Czechia / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Benjamin Godard - Franciszek Gąsieniec, Poland / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Johann Sebastian Bach - Bartosz Frydel, Poland / video
- Pablo Frias Lobo, Spain video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Robert Schumann - Hong Seo Hyeon, South Korea / video
- Xu Guo, China / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Maurice Ravel - Momone Shiraishi, Japan / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Ferenc Liszt - Vojtěch Ocelka, Czechia / video
- Jianyi Gu, China / video
- Ryohong Ahn, South Korea / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy - Anna McCargow, Russia / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Dmitri Shostakovich - Bohumil Bondarenko, Czechia / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Joseph Haydn - Anfisa Bobylova, Russia/Austria / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Veronika Jaklová, Czechia / video
Prize for the interpretation of a composition by Alban Berg - Zachary Weiner, USA / video
Category 1
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Bong Jung Woo, South Korea / video
repertoire: L.Berkovich_Varations on a by Paganini
teacher: Song jin young/ Chung-ryoung Elementary School
1st Prize
Zhongshu Chen, China/Indonesia / video
repertoire: Beethoven: Sonata F minor Op 2 No.1 First movement
teacher: Teguh Sukaryo, Teguh Sukaryo International Music School
Angelina Nguyen, USA / video
repertoire: Haydn Piano Concerto in D, Hob XVIII/11, Mov. 3
teacher: Molly Nguyen, Little Chopin Piano School
2nd Prize
Amálie Vlčková, Czechia
repertoire: Carl Czerny: 125 Exercises in Passage, Op. 261, No.97, Fryderyk Chopin: Polonaise A flat major, posthume
teacher: Mgr. Věra Chmelová, Ph.D., Škola: Základní umělecká škola Orchidea clasic s.r.o., Jana Babáka 1, 616 00 Brno.
Sophia Maddock, USA
repertoire: Bach Concerto No.5 in F minor BWV 1056 I. Allegro, Prokofiev Tarantella Op. 65 No.4
teacher: Dr. Ina Selvelieva
Arabelle Grote, USA
repertoire: Chopin, Polonaise in G sharp minor, Op. posth.
teacher: Ni Liu, Private
Batjargal Enkhsaruul, Mongolia
repertoire: Bach, Little prelude in E minor, BWV 938, M.K.Oginsky, Polonaise in A minor, J.Haydn, Sonata D major
teacher: Gulfairuz Shauyet, Mongolian State Conservatory
Sofia Maholetti, Austria
repertoire: Christian Klöckl (*1967) - Albumblatt "Für Sofia", Carl Reinecke (1824-1910) - Etude No. 1 Op. 121, D. Shostakovich (1906-1975) - "Lyric Waltz" from "Dances of the Dolls"
teacher: Anna Ulaieva-Stoehr, University of Art - Graz Austria
Amálie Svatošová, Czechia
repertoire: W.A.Mozart: Viennas Sonatina I. in C major 1st movement, V. Figuš-Bystrý: Albumleaf
teacher: Eva Hampacherová, Základní umělecká škola Praha 1, Biskupská 12
Nina Pavlotzky Neeman, Costa Rica
repertoire: J.S. Bach: Little prelude in C minor., W. Gillock: Fountain in the rain
teacher: M.M Keren Neeman, Escazú Music Academy, Costa Rica
3rd Prize
Merdan Ali Efe Yavuz, Turkey
repertoire: Johann Sebastian Bach ''Little Prelude'' in D minor BWV 935, Muzio Clementi ''Sonatina'' in C Major Op.36, No.3, (complete), Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky '' Polka'' Op 39 , No.14, Henry Lemoine '' Etude'' Op.37 ,No 34
teacher: Zerin Rasul
Jacqueline Liu, United Kingdom
repertoire: F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Songs without Words Op. 19 No1
teacher: Charleen Liu; Bute House School London
Jia Cheng Felix Zong, Hong Kong, China
repertoire: F. Chopin Étude Op. 25, No. 2, in F minor
teacher: YAN REN, Beijing Shijia Primary School
Ivan Volkov, Germany
repertoire: Jacques Ibert - "Histoires", ten pieces for piano: No. 2 "Le petit âne blanc" (The Little White Donkey), .A.Mozart - Sonata No. 16 in C major, K. 545 Allegro
Lilien Solomonová, Czechia
repertoire: A. Drabon - The Kite (Drak), P. Eben - Červená růžičko (Little Red Rose), Anonymous author - Allegretto, W. Gillock - The French Doll, The American Indian Dance
teacher: Mgr. Milena Zuntová, ZUŠ Český Krumlov
Ethan Bai, Ireland
repertoire: Domenico Scarlatti - The Sonata in A minor K. 149 (L. 93), Carl Czerny - Op. 849, No. 6, Jacques Ibert - The Little White Donkey
teacher: Jason Yang
Franciszek Cichowski, Poland
repertoire: Johann Sebastian Bach, Two-Voice Invention, in C major, Janina Garścia, Stone Garden
teacher: prof. Elżbieta Pasierowska
Hajun Chung, South Korea
repertoire: Haydn Piano Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:37, 1st Movement
teacher: Ms. Ma Eum Ko / Seoul Seo 2 Elementary School
Aleksandra Dzieża, Poland
repertoire: Fryderyk Chopin Polonaise G minor op. posth., Carl Czerny Etiuda B flat major op. 849
teacher: Sonia Grychtoł-Mastalerz
Eva Essilevskaia, France
repertoire: Benda Sonatina in A Minor, Beethoven For Élise, Chopin Waltz in A Minor, Burgmüller Innocence op 100 no. 5, Tchaikovsky Children's Album Op 39 no.9
teacher: Piano Académie Maria Esaulova
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Emily McCarthy, Ireland
repertoire: Sonatina in C major Op 55 No 3, I Allegro con spirito. Friedrich Kuhlau, Ivan Sings by Aram Khachaturian, Flood-Time by Eric Thiman (No 5 from "Water Pieces").
teacher: Jason Yang, Piano Academy of Ireland
Hsu Chia Hsi, Taiwan
repertoire: Kabalevsky - Waltz op.27 no.1, Bach- Minuet in G Major
teacher: Ms. Mary Ko/ Ms. Yu, Chiu Ya
Andrea Lafarge Rinaldi, France
repertoire: Valse op 64 No. 1, Chopin, Sonatina in A minor, Benda
teacher: Mi-Young Lee - Piano Academie
Ester Zoubková, Czechia
repertoire: Daniel Gottlob Turk: Píseň, Dmitrij Kabalevskij: Ježek, Ludwig Schutte: Etuda C - dur, Pero Gotovac: Miniatury: Mema spi, Samuel Majkapar: Destik
teacher: Mgr. Ema Jedlicka Gogova, ZUS J.S.Bacha, Dobrany
Mathilde Duverney, France
repertoire: La chevaleresque, Etude Op. 100 Nr 25 Burgmüller
teacher: Gayane Nersisyan, Piano Académie
Daniel Chik, Singapore
repertoire: Sonatina in C Major, Op.36, No.1, Allegro - Andante (Muzio Clementi)
teacher: SherLyn Leng
Anar Naranbat, Mongolia
repertoire: J.S.Bach: Minuet in G major, BWV Anh. 114, M.Clementi: Sonatina G major. op.35. no 2, part 1., D.Shostakovich: Tanets, K.Czerny Etude op.299, no 4.
teacher: Gulifairuz Shauyet. Mongolian State Conservatory
Viola Kalabusová, Czechia
repertoire: Johann Hermann Schein - Allemande, David Hirschberg - The fisherman, William Gillock - Summertime polka
teacher: Eva Grundová, Zuš Jaroslava Kvapila Brno
Honorable Mention - 2nd degree
Nikhith Nallamalli, India
repertoire: Maria Szymanowska (1789-1831) - Mazurka, Georg Bohm (1661-1733) - Minuet in G, Ulrike Gruber (b.1964) - Kindergarten Blues
teacher: Rachintan Trivedi, KM Music Conservatory, Chennai
Category 2
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Anna Zimowska, Poland / video
repertoire: F. Chopin - Nocturne in B - major op. 32 no.1, C. Vine - Bagatelle no.2
teacher: Izabela Grzybek, National School of Music in the name of M. Karłowicz in Cracow
2nd Prize
Alžběta Nikiforová, Czechia
repertoire: B. Martinů - "Harlequin" Puppets - Book II. No. 2, F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Song Without Words Op. 30 No. 6, Venetian Gondola Song in F Sharp Minor, E. Grieg - March of the Trolls, Lyric Pieces - Book V. Op. 54 No. 3
teacher: MgA. Hana Pastykova
3rd Prize
Nikol Hamplová, Czechia
repertoire: W. A. Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 16 in C Major, K. 545 - 3. Rondo, B. Smetana: Treasury of Melodies: No. 2, Capriccio. Vivace, L. Sluka: The Old River Song
teacher: Halina Heinzová, ZUŠ B. Smetany
Jaroslav Skalka, Czechia
repertoire: F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy - Songs Without Words Op.30 no.6 (Venetianisches Gondellied), J. Haydn - Sonata in D, Hob.XVI:33, Allegro
teacher: Marie Skalková, Základní umělecká škola Fryderyka Chopina Mariánské Lázně
Radek Małgorzata, Poland
repertoire: 1. J. Haydn - Variations on the topic 'La Roxelane', 2. A. Spendiarow - Berceuse (Lullaby)
teacher: Marcelina Pawlak, Stanisław Moniuszko State Comprehensive Music School 1st degree, Katowice, Poland
Adelina Furtuna, Moldovia
repertoire: 1. J. S. Bach - Sinfonia No. 10 in G major BWV 796, 2. W. A. Mozart - Sonatina in G major, 3. N. W. Gade - Intermezzo
teacher: Larisa Jar, "Ciprian Porumbescu" Lyceum of Music, Chisinau
Kamil Podzorski, Poland
repertoire: Fantasia C major, Georg Friedrich Haendel, Elegie, E minor, Niels Wilhelm Gade
teacher: Iwona Ulbrich, Panstwowa Szkola Muzyczna I i II st. im. Ignacego Paderewskiego in Cieszyn, Filia in Wisla
Markéta Sladkovská, Czechia
repertoire: J. Haydn: Divertimento D major, (ze Sonáty in D major Hob. XVI no.4), F. Chopin: Cantabile, I. Berkowitsch: Prelude E major, Andrew Higgins: Penguins
teacher: Markéta Loskotová: ZUŠ Teplice
Dora Šarić, Croatia
repertoire: J.S. Bach: Three-part Invention in E-major, BWV 792, J. Haydn: Sonate in D-major, Hob. XVI/24 -Allegro, M. Moszkowski: Etude in C-major, op.91 no. 14, E. Grieg: Butterfly, op.43 no.1
teacher: Tajana Lazović, OGŠ pri O.Š. K.Š. Gjalski Zabok, Croatia
Blanka Kojalewicz, Poland
repertoire: Waldemar Król - Etude in a romantic style, Jean Sibelius - The Sapin, Jean Sibelius - Arabesque Op.76 No.9
teacher: Ryszarda Sajewicz-Palczewska , Państwowa Szkoła muzyczna imienia Tadeusza Szeligowskiego w Szczecinie Poland
Zofia Michałek, Poland
repertoire: F. Chopin - Waltz in A - flat major op.69 no 1, W. A. Mozart - Rondo from Sonata in C - major KV 545, K. Slavicky - Etudes 1,3 from "12 small studies"
teacher: Iwona Popławska-Zimowska, Music School in Gdów
Ka Yik Charis Zong,Hong Kong, China
repertoire: Schubert Impromptu, Op.90, No.2
teacher: YAN REN, Beijing Shijia Primary School
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Hernán Lucena Villanueva, Spain
repertoire: Prelude op. 28 n°1 F. CHOPIN; Ecossaise op. 72 n° 3 F. CHOPIN; Sonatina op. 20 n 6 Rondó J.L. Dussek; Invention n 7 BWV 778 J.S. BACH; Little nigar C. DEBUSSY
teacher: Estefanía Villanueva. Conservatory " Oreste Camarca", Soria, Spain
Arturo Bienve Díaz Álvarez, Spain
repertoire: Mozart, Sonata nº 10 KV 330 (Allegro Moderato)
teacher: Conservatorio Tomás Luís de Victoria ((Ávila). Pedro López Salas
Yoana Manwani, United Arab Emirates
repertoire: 1. Minuet in A minor - Henry Purcell, 2. Minuet in G major - J. S. Bach
teacher: Ms. Lola Akwabi
Category 3
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Nora Lubbadová, Czechia / video 1 video 2
repertoire: W. A. Mozart- Sonata B flat major, KV 570, III. Allegretto, F. Chopin- Nocturno B major, op. 32, no. 1
teacher: MgA. Lukáš Klánský, PhD. Gymnázium a hudebné škola hl.m.Prahy
1st Prize
Joy Chuang, Taiwan / video
repertoire: Chopin Ballade No. 2
teacher: I-Chen Chen, Shin-Yi Elementary School
2nd Prize
Matyáš Charvát, Czechia
repertoire: L. van Beethoven: 6 Variations in G major, WoO 77; F. Liszt: Etude no. 2, S 136; K. Slavický: Etude no. 3 and 6 from 12 Short Studies
teacher: MgA. Jan Dušek, Ph.D., ZUŠ Klementa Slavického, Praha 5
Eleni Moon, USA
repertoire: Mendelssohn: Rondo Capriccioso in E Major, Op.14
teacher: Ja Young Yoo
Antoni Nowakowski, Poland
repertoire: Chopin - Nocturne in C-sharp minor, Op. Posthumous; I. Berkowitz - Variations on the Theme of Paganini
teacher: Julia Wolańska-Gajda; Katedralna Ogólnokszałcąca Szkoła Muzyczna I Stopnia in Poznań
3rd Prize
Helene Gritsch, Austria
repertoire: Claude Debussy: Claire de lune, from: Suite bergamasque; Sergej Prokofjev: Tarantelle, from: Jeux d'enfants op. 65
teacher: Mag. Greta Gritsch, private
Łucja Dąbkowska, Poland
repertoire: Moszkowski Maurycy, Etude in G major, op.91, no 16, Grabinski Wlodzimierz, Prelude in E flat major
teacher: Iwona Ulbrich, State Music School of the 1st and 2nd level (Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I i II stopnia) in Jastrzębie-Zdrój (Poland)
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Xinyu Li, China
repertoire: Chopin: Impromptu Op 29
teacher: Feifei Dong and Hong Tang
Rozálie Klesová, Czechia
repertoire: Jiří Antonín Benda: Sonatina - Rondo D dur, Bedřich Smetana: Lístek do památníku a moll, Klement Slavický: Etuda č.12 (12 malých etud), Hana Švajdová: Cesta světla (Nevšední příběhy)
teacher: Marta Marešová, ZUŠ Charlotty Masarykové, Půlkruhová 99/42, Praha 6
Devakshi Grace Mukherjee, India/Qatar
repertoire: P I Tchaikovsky 'Little Song of Naples' from Children's Album op 39., C.Czerny Etude op849 N6., B Bartok 'Teasing Song' from 'For Children' vol 2, no 18
Nidra Esteves Ramirez Celis, Portugal
repertoire: W. GILLOCK Valse Etude, A. LOESCHHORN Study op. 136 N. 7
teacher: João Paulo Cunha conservatório de Castelo Branco
Mario Sebastian Silvestre Hernandez, Guatemala
repertoire: O polichinelo- Villa Lobos, Brejeiro- Ernesto Nazareth, Sonatina in G major- Beethoven
teacher: Kristina Meliukhina - Clara Schumann School
Category 4
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Franciszek Gąsieniec, Poland / video 1 video 2
repertoire: Benjamin Godard - Etude in G flat major op. 107, Fryderyk Chopin - Nocturne op. 9 no. 1
teacher: Profesor Paweł Zawadzki, Ogólnokształcąca Szkoła Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego we Wrocławiu
1st Prize
Bartosz Frydel, Poland / video
repertoire: J. S. Bach - Partita c-minor No. 2 BWV 826 part Capriccio, F. Chopin - Impromptu in F sharp major, Op. 36, G. Bacewicz - Etude No. 2
teacher: Agnieszka Spodymek
2nd Prize
Anju Nogiwa, Singapore/ Austria
repertoire: Beethoven, Sonata No. 8 in C minor Op. 13 "Pathétique" 1st movement
teacher: Mr. Andreas Weber, Mozarteum University
Hong Seo Hyeon, South Korea
repertoire: R. Schumann Allegro Op-8
teacher: Song jin young/ Yewon School
Nicholas Grote, USA
repertoire: Liszt, Hungarian Rhapsody No. 11, Kapustin, 8 Concert Etudes, Op 40 No 6 Pastoral
teacher: Ni Liu and Dr. Peter Mack, Private
Pavel Pejchal, Czechia
repertoire: F. Chopin: Preludium Des dur op. 28 č. 15, F. Chopin: Valčík e moll op. posth.
teacher: MgA. Vít Havlíček, Ph.D., ZUŠ Trutnov
3rd Prize
Ivana Zovko, Croatia
repertoire:S. Bortkiewicz: Etude op. 15 No. 9 in F-sharp minor, C. M. von Weber: Rondo Brillante op. 62. in E-flat major, J. 252
teacher: Ivanka Kordić, Vatroslav Lisinski Music School Zagreb
Carla Ioana Ungureanu, Romania
repertoire: Bach -Italian Concerto in F major BWV 971 -3rd mvt. Presto, Beethoven - Sonata in F minor Op 2. No. 1.- IV mvt. Prestissimo, Chopin - Etude Op 10. No. 1 in C major
teacher: drnd. Shwan Sebastian
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Glorija Pinturić, Croatia
repertoire: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sonata No.18 in D Major, K.576, Allegro, Franz Schubert: Impromptu in E flat Major, Op. 90 No. 2
teacher: prof. Zrinka Philips, Pavao Markovac Music school, Zagreb, Croatia
Maria Kolary, Poland
repertoire: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Piano Sonata in B flat major, KV 333, part I, Frederic Chopin, Etude in G flat major, op. 10 no. 5, Artur Malawski, Miniatures III and IV
teacher: Izabela Grzybek, Zespół Szkół Muzycznych w Wieliczce (State Music School Complex in Wieliczka)
Dymitr Szostak, Poland
repertoire: J.S.Bach - Fuga in C, BWV 953, M.Glinka - Nokturn La Separation, J.Massenet - Toccata
teacher: Jolanta Tarnowska, OSM I st. im.I.J.Paderewskiego, Cracow,Poland
Honorable Mention - 2nd degree
Tom Williamson, United Kingdom
repertoire: Rêverie by Debussy, O Polichinelo by Villa-Lobos (from A prole do bebê no. 1)
teacher: Formerly Mr Duncan Glenday, Chetham's School of Music; new teacher from June 2021
Category 5
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Ryan Wang, Canada / video 1 video 2
repertoire: F. Chopin Etude in F Major, Op.10 No. 8, F. Chopin Scherzo No. 3 in C-sharp minor, Op. 39
teacher: Mr. Gareth Owen, Eton College
2nd Prize
Momone Shiraishi, Japan
repertoire: Mozart / Piano Sonata No.17 in B flat, K.570 1st movement, Ravel / Miroirs-1 "Noctuelles"
teacher: Ms. Miyo Honya / Kurakuen Junior High School
Rie Takeuchi, Japan
repertoire: Venezia e Napoli Tarantella S.162/R.10 A197 - Franz Liszt
teacher: Mrs. Natasha Tadson
3rd Prize
Anna Harper, USA/Belarus
repertoire: Mozart Concerto 12 mov. 1
teacher: Alexander Borovikov, Republic of Belarus Gymnasium-College
Hanna Fábián, Hungary
repertoire: F. Liszt: Romance, F. Liszt: C- major Etude Op.6. No.1., Béla Bartók: Mikrokosmos V/ 138- Bagpipe music
teacher: Katalin Anducska, Ádám Jenő Elementary School and Primary Art School Szigetszentmiklós
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Clara Gritsch, Austria
repertoire: Frédéric Chopin: Etude op 25 Nr. 9, Franz Liszt: première valse oubliée, Piyotr I. Tchaikovsky: Février: Carnaval, from The Seasons op. 37 Nr. 2
teacher: Dr. Zoltán Füzessery, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Bridget Su, Taiwan
repertoire: Brahms Intermezzo Op.118 No.2 in A major
teacher: Mary Ko
Emilie Kašparová, Czechia
repertoire: D.Scarlatti: Sonata K.93, Fuga g moll, C.Debussy: Preludia I., Girl with the flaxen hair, B.Smetana: Dreams, Consolation
teacher: E. Hampacherova, ZUŠ Praha 1, Biskupská
Bruna Prostran, Croatia
repertoire: M. Moszkowski : Etude in E-flat major, op. 91 no. 17, J.S. Bach: Two part invention in h minor, BWV 786, D. Pejačević: Violet, op. 19 no. 2, J. Haydn: Sonata in c-sharp minor, Hob. XVI/36, -Moderato
teacher: Ivanka Kordić, Vatroslav Lisinski music School in Zagreb
Matthew Stephen Hockaday, Czechia
repertoire: J. A. Steffan: Allegro in C, L. van Beethoven: Bagatelles op.126, No.5, D. Shostakovich: Three Fantastic Dances,for Piano, No.1 and No.2, B. Martinů: Etudes and Polkas Book 3, H. 308: No. 4. Polka in A Minor
teacher: MgA. Martin Smutný
Martina Taslerová, Czechia
repertoire: J. S. Bach: Suite G dur - Gavotte, M. I. Glinka: Variace na ruskou lidovou píseň, B. Martinů: Loutky I - Pohádka, B. Martinů: Etudy a Polky - Polka in D
teacher: L. Fialová, Základní umělecká škola Brno, Veveří, příspěvková organizace
𝗭𝘂𝘇𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗞𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗮, Poland
repertoire: G.F. Haendel: Fantasia C Major, Wlodzimierz Grabiński: Preludium Es Dur
teacher: Iwona Ulbrich, Państwowa Szkola Muzyczna I i II stopnia im. Ignacego Paderewskiego
Category 6
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Chiara Bleve, Italy / video
repertoire: Fryderyk Chopin: Etude Op.25 n.6, Enrique Granados: Allegro de Concierto Op.46
teacher: Prof. Giorgio Lovato - "A. Corelli" Music School in Vittorio Veneto (Treviso - Italy)
2nd Prize
Grigorescu Valentiu-Constantin, Romania
repertoire: F.Liszt - Transcendental Etude no.7 - "Eroica", S.Prokofiev - Suggestion Diabolique, op 4, no.4
teacher: Cristina Maria-Ralea, National College of Music "GEORGE ENESCU" - Bucharest
Vojtěch Ocelka, Czechia
repertoire: F. Liszt: Concert Paraphrase on Rigoletto, S. 434 (after G. Verdi)
teacher: Jelena Kapitula, ZUŠ Jaroslava Kvapila, Brno
Zhong An Feng, Hong Kong, China
repertoire: Piano Sonata no. 8 in A minor First Movement, Mozart, Rondo Capriccioso op. 14, Mendelssohn
teacher: MT Wong, GMC Music
3rd Prize
Emilio Wu Gan, Costa Rica
repertoire: H. Villa-Lobos: Impressões Seresteiras
teacher: M.M Keren Neeman, Escazú Music Academy, Costa Rica
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Gayathri Gopikrishna Chokalingam, India
repertoire: The Song of the Lark from the Album of the Young by Tchaikovsky, Bloodroot by Rachel Grimes, A Haydenesque Rondino by Kedarnath Awati, Moderato Grazioso by Cornelius Gurlitt, Ridicolosamente by Sergei Prokofiev
teacher: Natallia Kapylova Khanna ; Natallia Piano Studio
Honorable Mention - 2nd degree
Giordano Calì, Italy
repertoire: J.S. Bach - The Well Tempered Clavier I, Prelude & Fugue No.2 in C minor, BWV 847, W.A. Mozart - Piano Sonata in C major K330 1st movement
teacher: Giulia Gangi, V. Bellini Higher Institute of Musical studies, Catalania
Category 7
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize, Category Winner and Absolute Winner
Takuma Onodera, Japan / video
repertoire: Balakirev: Islamey
teacher: Yoshiko Kurokawa /Sapporo Kaisei Secondary School
2nd Prize
Sonia Schwabe, Poland
repertoire: F.Chopin - Ballade No.1 in G minor
teacher: prof. Joanna Lawrynowicz-Just, OSM im. Zenona Brzewskiego w ZPSM nr 1, Warszawa
Vittorio di Pietro, Italy
repertoire: F. Chopin, scherzo op.31 n.2
teacher: Giulia Gangi - Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini - Catania Italy
Mehana Ellis, USA
repertoire: Liszt Transcendental Etude No. 11 "Harmonies du Soir"
teacher: Annamarie McCarthy, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Jie Liang, New Zealand
repertoire: Stravinsky Firebird (Infernal Dance of King Kashchei + Finale)
teacher: Songwen Li, King's College Auckland
3rd Prize
Sebastião Mateus, Portugal
repertoire: Prelude and Fugue BWV 875 n. 6 in D minor WTC II, Johann Sebastian Bach, Romeo and Juliet, op. 75 (6. Montecchios and Capuletos), Sergey Prokofiev
teacher: Evandra Celis, Conservatório Regional de Castelo Branco
Kristýna Kovalová, Czechia
repertoire: S. Prokofiev: Rigaudon op. 12 no. 3, S. Prokofiev: Legend op. 12 no. 6, F. Chopin: Etude in E major op. 10 no. 3
teacher: MgA. Lukáš Klánský, GMHS (Gymnasium and Music School of the Capital City of Prague/ Gymnázium a Hudební škola hl. m. Prahy, ZUŠ)
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Anastasia Durnea, Moldovia
repertoire: C. Czerny - etude op. 365 No. 15, Bach - Prelude & Fugue No. 13 in F-sharp Major BWV 882
teacher: Larisa Jar; School: L.I.R.M "Ciprian Porumbescu"
Category 8
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Pablo Frias Lobo, Spain / video 1 video 2 video 3
repertoire: Etude Op. 10 nº 4, Chopin., Prelude and fugue nº 14 BWV 859, Bach., Orage Liszt
teacher: Rubén Talón. School: ESMAR
2nd Prize
Radek Bagar, Czechia
repertoire: J.S.Bach Prelude and Fugue in F minor ( WTC Book I,No .12 ) BWV 857, L.van Beethoven Sonata no. 17 in d moll, op.31.no.2 .1st movement
teacher: MgA. Martin Fišl ,Konzervatoř ,tř. Kpt.Jaroše 45,Brno 66254
3rd Prize
Sanjay Akam, USA
repertoire: Sonata in A Major, K 113 / L 345 - Scarlatti, Barcarolle in F sharp Major, Op. 60 - Chopin
teacher: Randall Jackson, Randall Jackson Piano Studio
Pia Oetheimer, France/Austria
repertoire: Franz Schubert, Moments musicaux, op. 94, D 780, No. 3 - Allegro moderato, Frédéric Chopin, Ballade No. 1 in g minor, Op. 23
teacher: Cristiana Pegoraro (private student)
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Magdalena Srnková, Czechia
repertoire: J. S. Bach: Fuga in C BWV 952, F. Chopin: Nocturno e moll op. 72, č. 1, op. posth., S. Rachmaninov: Études-Tableaux op. 33: No VII, Moderato g moll
teacher: MgA. Debora Konečná, ZUŠ Jana Hanuše, Praha 6 - Břevnov
Category 9
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Anna McCargow, Russia / video 1 video 2
repertoire: F. Mendelssohn Fantasie ("Scottish sonata"), op. 28, A. Skrjabin Etude №9, op.8,
teacher: Prof. E. Virsaladze, Moscow State Concervatory
1st Prize
Veronika Jaklová, Czechia / video 1 video 2
repertoire: W.A.Mozart, Sonata No.13 in B flat major, K333, III. Allegretto grazioso, F.Chopin, Ballade in f minor Op.52, No.4
teacher: MgA. Milan Langer, Pražská konzervatoř
2nd Prize
Ayane Tsuno, Japan
repertoire: J.S Bach ;Toccata fis-moll BWV910, F.Chopin ;Etude OP.25-11
teacher: Tokyo College of Music high school
Rejsi Prosi, Albania
repertoire: Johann Sebastian Bach- "Sarabande" from english suite no.2 in a-minor, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy- Variations Sérieuses op.54 in d-minor
teacher: Libor Novacek, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
Anna Knoulichová, Czechia
repertoire: S. Prokofiev: Sonata No. 1 in f minor, Op. 1, B. Smetana: Concert Etude in C major
teacher: Pražská konzervatoř, MgA. Martin Kasík, Ph.D., Mgr. Eva Boguniová
Nicoleta Sirbu, Moldovia
repertoire: L. van Beethoven - Sonata op. 22 No. 11, 1st movement, S. Rachmaninoff - Etude Tableaux op. 33 No. 6 in E flat minor, F. Liszt - Valse Impromptu, S. 213
teacher: Libor Nováček, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Andrew Truong, USA
repertoire: Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Sonata no. 32, op. 111 1st Movement, Arnold Schoenberg Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op. 19
teacher: Steven Spooner, Peabody Institute
3rd Prize
Barbora Filipová, Czechia
repertoire: S. Rachmaninoff: Etude-Tableau d minor, op.33, R. Schumann: Allegro b minor, op.8
teacher: Mgr. Mária Vaitová, ArtD. Konzervatoř P. J. Vejvanovského Kroměříž
Matyáš Meinczinger, Germany
repertoire: Liszt: Au lac de Wallenstadt (Années de pèlerinage), Brahms: Rhapsody in G minor, op.79. no.2
teacher: Lukáš Klánský, Gymnázium a hudební škola hl.města Prahy
Zhiqi Yuan, China
repertoire: Chopin Nocturne op.48 no.1 Chopin Sonata op.35 1st movement
teacher: -
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Channing Chu, New Zealand
repertoire: Prelude and Fugue in G sharp minor BWV 863 - Bach, Sonata No.8 in A minor K.361 - Mozart, Sonetto 104 del Petrarcha - Liszt
teacher: Jason Bae, UOA
Marco Ridolfo, Italy
repertoire: Rachmaninov - Moment Musicaux n. 4, Op. 16, Rachmaninov - Etudes Tableaux n. 8, Op. 33, Sancan - Toccata
teacher: Francesca Sperandeo, Liceo Musicale XXV Aprile - Portogruao (Ve) - Italy
Nanjala Antonia, Kenya
repertoire: Sonata in F major, K. 332 (3rd movement: Allegro Assai) by W.A. Mozart, Berceuse Op. 57 by Frédéric Chopin, Prelude No. 1 by George Gershwin
teacher: Winnie Mureithi - Wynton House of Music
Honorable Mention - 2nd degree
Lorena Turković, Croatia
repertoire: J.S.Bach - Prelude and Fuge in E flat major, A. Scriabin - Etude op. 8./2., J. Brahms - Intermezzo op. 118./2.
teacher: Helena Knapić, Varaždin school of music
Category 10
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Jianyi Gu, China / video 1 video 2 video 3
repertoire: Beethoven Piano Sonata Op.10 no.3, 1st movement., Chopin Etude No.10 no.10, Liszt Faust Waltz
teacher: Professor Alan Chow, Eastman school of music
3rd Prize
Bohumil Bondarenko, Czechia
repertoire: S. V. Rachmaninoff - Etude-Tableaux Op. 39 No. 8, S. V. Rachmaninoff - Etude-Tableaux Op. 39 No. 9, A. N. Scriabin - Sonata No. 2 in G-sharp Minor, D. D. Shostakovich - Prelude and Fugue in D-flat Op. 87 No. 15
teacher: Mgr. Dinara Suleymanová, Konzervatoř České Budějovice
Markus Koropp, Germany/Austria
repertoire: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Prelude and Fugue XII F minor BWV 857, from the Well Tempered Clavier I, Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev (1891-1953), Piano Sonata No.1 F minor Op.1, Frédéric François Chopin (1810-1849), Nocturne
F sharp Major Op.15 No.2
teacher: Aima Maria Labra-Makk, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz, Austria
Jovan Perunicic, Serbia
repertoire: J.S.Bach - Toccata e-minor BWV 914, L.v.Beethoven - Sonata op.2 no.3 C- major, first movement Allegro con brio, A.Scriabin - Etude op.8 no.9, g sharp minor
teacher: Prof. Libor Novacek, Kunstuniversität Graz
Yinzi Cao, China
repertoire: Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 10 in C Major, K. 330
teacher: Leon McCawley, Royal College of Music,
Victoria Nava, Belgium
repertoire: Chopin, Etude op10 n2, Ravel, Toccata from "Le tombeau de couperin", Mozart, Sonata KV284 n6 in D Major, Ist Movement, Shostakovich, Prelude and Fugue n24 in D minor
teacher: P. Giacometti, RSH Düsseldorf
SunHye Shin, South Korea
repertoire: Frank Bridge: Three Sketches (1.April, 2.Rosemary, 3.Valse Capricieuse), F.Liszt: Tarantella from Venezia e Napoli
teacher: Ronan O'Hora and Carole Presland, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Kateřina Sinevičová, Czechia
repertoire: J. S. Bach: Partita č. 3 a moll - Burlesca, D. Scarlatti: Sonata E dur K. 380, F. Chopin: Nocturno F dur op. 15, č. 1, 4. L. Janáček: V mlhách (1. část)
teacher: MgA. Marie Al-Ashhabová, Konzervatoř Teplice
Wanzhen Zhao
repertoire: scherzo Chopin No1,, prelude Rachmaninoff
teacher: Moscow conservatory.teacher:Yuri Didenko
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Mattia Groppello, Italy
repertoire: Rachmaninov prelude op 23 n 5, Bach busoni ciaccona, Chopin etude op 10 n 1
teacher: Accademia pianistica internazionale incontri col Maestro of Imola, teacher Enrico Pace
Parvina Sharipova, Usbekistan/Austria
repertoire: S.Rachmaninov - Moment musicaux op.16 No.2,3,4,5
teacher: Sergio De Simone- University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Hikari Ichimura, Japan
repertoire: Bach: Prelude & Fuga f-moll BWV881, Chopin: Etude Op.10-4, Beethoven: Sonata No.23 Appasionata 1 movement
teacher: Freiburg University of Music, by Prof. Alfonso Gomez
Molli Szalai, Hungary
repertoire: L.van Beethoven: A major Sonata (Op.2 no.2) I. movement, Béla Bartók: Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs (Op.20)
teacher: Attila Némethy, Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary
Tatsuhito Adachi, Japan
repertoire: Chopin / Etude op.25-12, Rachmaninov / Moments musicaux op.16 No.1 & No.4
teacher: Igor Roma & Stefano Fiuzzi / Imola piano academy
Amálie Pivoňková, Czechia
repertoire: Frederic Chopin - Ballade n. 4, f minor, op. 52, Leoš Janáček - Sonata 1.X.1905 ("From the street"), II. Death
teacher: Mgr. Hana Turková, konzervatoř Teplice
Mina Sun, China
repertoire: J.S BACH: WTC Book I, Prelude and Fuge, BWV.862, FRANZ LISZT: Années de Pèlerinage-Première Années: Suisse-Vallée d'Obermann, S.160 No.6
teacher: Prof.Danyang Li - Shanghai Conservatory of Music
František Jeřábek, Czechia
repertoire: Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etude-Tableau op.39 no.2, Bedřich Smetana: Fantasie na české národní písně
teacher: Mgr. Karel Košárek, soukromé studium
Marta Misztal, Poland
repertoire: W. A. Mozart -Sonata D major KV 576, S. Rachmaninov - Etiude in d minor op.33 no.4, F. Chopin - Etiude in a minor op. 25 no.4
teacher: dr hab Elżbieta Pasierowska and mgr Mikołaj Sikała
Honorable Mention - 2nd degree
Xiao Tang, China
repertoire: Robert Schumann piano concerto op.54, Rachmaninov tableux Etude op39 no.5(if Concerto is not allowed), Debussy Imagines Book ll
teacher: Gajusz Keska/Academy of music in Krakow
Claudia Hu, USA
repertoire: Chopin Ballade No. 1 in G minor, Op. 23
teacher: Nina Svetlanova, The Manhattan School of Music
Wenjia Rao, China
repertoire: Schumann-Waldscenen Op.82
teacher: Gordon Fergus- Thompson, Royal College of Music
Xiaowan Zhang, China
repertoire: Chopin - Fantasie in F Minor, Op. 49, Rautavaara - Piano Sonata No. 2 "The Fire Sermon"
teacher: Phillip Kawin, Manhattan School of Music
Vincenza Ginevra Lauria, Italy
repertoire: Franz Liszt - Un Sospiro, Claude Debussy - Ballade L.70
teacher: Antonino Pellitteri, ISSM "A. Toscanini" - Ribera
Giada Nobile, Italy
repertoire: F. Liszt- Liebestraum n° 3
Category 11
(competitors are ranked in order of best by points scored)
1st Prize and Category Winner
Anfisa Bobylova, Russia/Austria / video
repertoire: Haydn Sonata Hob XVI 24; Chopin Scherzo op. 54
teacher: Libor Novacek, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
1st Prize
Zachary Weiner, USA / video
repertoire: Berg - Sonata, Op. 1, Bach - Goldberg Variations: Aria, I, II, III, XIII, XIV, XV
2nd Prize
Xu Guo, China
repertoire: Schumann - Kreisleriana Op.16 No.1-3, Beethoven - Rondo Op.51 No.2
teacher: Mr. Dang Thai Son and Ms. HaeSun Paik; New England Conservatory
Ryohong Ahn, South Korea
repertoire: J. Haydn Sonata E flat major Hob. XVI/49, F. Liszt Paganini Etude no.2, F. Liszt Venezia e Napoli - 3. Tarantella
teacher: Prof. Detlef Kaiser, Hochschule für Musik in Dresden
Radymyr Tsiko, Ukraine/Austria
repertoire: J. S. Bach - Prelude and Fugue No. 21 in B‑flat major, BWV 866, L. van Beethoven - Sonata No. 23, Op. 57 - 1 Movement, S. Rachmaninoff - Etude-Tableau Op. 39 No. 5 in E-flat minor
teacher: Manfred Tausch/University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
3rd Prize
Asuka Tagami, Japan
repertoire: G.Ligeti Etude No.18 from Book 3 "Canon", W.A.Mozart Piano Sonata No.10 in C major K330 1 movement, A.Skrjabin 2 Poèmes op. 69, T.Takemitsu Rain Tree Sketch II −In Memoriam Olivier Messiaen, A.Schönberg 3 Piano Pieces op.11
teacher: Prof.Andreas Groethuysen University Mozarteum Salzburg
Asami Kitamura, Japan
repertoire: L.v.Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 18 in Es Dur, Op. 31-No. 3, 1. Allegro, F. Chopin: Études Op. 25-No.3, C. Debussy: Etude No. 9 Pour les notes répétées, F. Chopin: Fantasy in f moll, Op. 49
teacher: Prof. Ayami Ikeba, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Barbora Brabcová, Czechia
repertoire: 1. J. S. Bach: Preludium a fuga B dur, BWV 866, 2. S. Rachmaninov: Etuda Es moll op. 39 č. 5, 3. F. Chopin: Etuda F dur op. 10 č. 8, 4. F. Chopin: Balada g moll op. 23
teacher: Prof. Ivan Klánský, Hudební fakulta Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Jieun Lee
repertoire: S.Rachmaninoff Etude Op.39 - No.09 in D Major, P.Tchaikovsky Dumka, Op.59, F.Mendelssohn variations sérieuses op.54
teacher: Sergio de simone, the University of Music and Arts Graz in Austria
Honorable Mention - 1st degree
Kamil El-Ahmadieh, Czechia
repertoire: J.S.Bach-F.Busoni: Chaconne in D Minor BWV 1004
teacher: Hamsa Al-Wadi Juris; Sibelius Academy
Aristotelis Papadimitriou, Greece
repertoire: Frederic Chopin (1810-1849): Nocturne op.9, no.1 in b-flat minor, César Franck (1822-1890): Prélude, Choral et Fugue FWV 21, Sergey Rachmaninov (1873-1943): Etude-tableaux op.33,no.2 in C-major
teacher: Prof. Eckart Heiligers (Zurich University of Arts)
Radim Tichý, Czechia
repertoire: Domenico Scarlatti - Sonáta h moll, K87, Maurice Ravel - Sonatina fis moll, M40, Francis Poulenc - Mélancolie, FP105
teacher: prof. Libor Nováček, Pražská konzervatoř
Christopher Knopp, Canada
repertoire: F. Schubert: Wandererfantasie, Op. 15 (D760)
teacher: Ilya Poletaev, McGill University
Jihak Oh, South Korea
repertoire: R.Schumann - Fantasie in C Major Op.17, 1. Durchaus fantastisch und leidenschaftlich vorzutragen, F.Chopin - Ballade No.4 in f minor Op.52
teacher: Winfried Apel / Hochschule für Musik 'Carl Mario von Weber' Dresden
Luca Sacher, Italy
repertoire: 3 Scarlatti Sonatas: C major, K487, A major, K208, f minor, K239, Debussy: Etude pour les octaves, Chopin: Ballade no. 2, Debussy: L'isle joyeuse
teacher: Accademia di Musica di Pinerolo
Alves de Toledo Karina, Brazil
repertoire: Bach - Prélude and fugue n.16 BWV 885, Debussy- Images (second book) I- Les cloches à travers les feuilles, II- Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut, III- Poisson d'or
teacher: Erik BERCHOT- École normale de musique de Paris Alfred Cortot
Jookhyun Kim, South Korea
repertoire: Carl vine - Piano sonata no.1, 1st movement.
Martyna Anna Chmura, Poland
repertoire: Paweł Mykietyn - Prelude No. 4 "Prestissimo possibile", Ferenc Liszt - Transcendental Étude No. 12 "Chasse-neige", Dmitri Shostakovich - Piano Sonata No. 1, Op. 12
teacher: dr hab. Elżbieta Pasierowska, Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk
Yuhuan Wang, China
repertoire: Polonaise Op.53 (Frédéric Chopin), Danzas Argentinas (Alberto Ginastera ), Etude 6 for 8 fingers (Achille-Claude Debussy), Prelude and Fugue BWV 861 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
teacher: Prof. Nelly Banova-Kostner, School: Richard Wagner Conservatory
Honorable Mention - 2nd degree
Kirill Brukhovskii-Vasilev, Russia
repertoire: F. Chopin - Fantasy F-Minor, op. 49, S. Rachmaninoff - Etude Tableau op. 39#1, C- Minor
teacher: Y. Stadler
Tyler Kivel, USA
repertoire: C. V. Alkan: Douze études dans tous le tons mineur, Op. 39 No. 11 "Ouverture", Gershwin-Wilde: Etude No. 3 for the Left Hand Alone "The Man I Love", E. Nazareth: Tango Brasileiro (Odeon)
Eben Wagenstroom, South Africa
repertoire: Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue in F-sharp major, BWV 858, Joseph Haydn: Keyboard Sonata in F major, Hob. XVI:23, Frédéric Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu in C-sharp minor, Op. 66 (Posth.)
Hwan Hee Kim, South Korea
repertoire: Dmitri Shostakovich - Prelude and Fugue No.24 in D minor op. 87, Einojuhani Rautavaara - Piano Sonata No.2 "The fire Sermon", op.64, Sergei Rachmaninov - Musical Moment No.4, op.16
teacher: Dr. Adam Swayne, Royal Northern College of Music
Jinwei Zhang, China
repertoire: 1.Beethoven Sonata Op.90 Movement 1., Chopin Etude Op.25 No.11, Haydn Variation in f minor H.XVII No.6
Yibo Du, China
repertoire: Bach Busoni Chaconne, Liszt Dante Sonata
teacher: University of Minnesota
"On 13-10-1870 there was, by way of an exception, an Abonnement suspendu, the reason being that a nine year-old boy, the son of a local Jewish tradesman named Mahler, was to be heard for the first time playing the piano before a large audience. The great success the future virtuoso achieved with his audience did him honour; one could only wish that for his excellent playing he had had an equally good instrument at his service. If the young artist's former teacher, Herr Kapellmeister Viktorin, hears of yesterday's success, he can certainly be pleased with his protege."
Gustav Mahler - First public concert in Jihlava
Competition rules
- The competition will be via videos published on www.youtube.com due to anti-epidemic measures.
- The competition is open for competitors of all nationalities up to the age of 30.
- The competition is a one-round competition, and the condition of the competition is to play from memory.
- The repertoire is free.
- The repertoire should consist of one or more pieces which has to fulfill the time limit.
- The competition is divided into 11 age categories.
- The video must be a real recording without editing, shot in one static shot, with the camera slightly away from the competitor.
- Must be visible on the competitor's hands and body at all times.
- The video recording not more than 6 months old must be placed on www.youtube.com, the competitor will include in the application the exact internet link to the video recording.
- Each piece can have a separate link.
- The full names of the pieces, the composer and the competitor, must be included in the video title or description (in English)
- The video must be public (not private) and accessible throughout the competition. The competitor will not seek a financial reward for posting the video and gives consent to post the video on the organiser's web site to announce the results.
- The organiser reserves the right not to open a category for organisational reasons or not to accept an application or to shorten the competition deadline for the competition for capacity reasons.
- The competition deadline: 31.5.2021.
- Announcement of results: 30.6.2021.
- Failure to comply with the above conditions, as well as an apparent reading of the notes during the game, may result in the competitor being eliminated from the competition.

Competitive category and time limit
of competitive video
Category year of birth Time limit of composition
- The jury will assess the competitive performance of the competitors, determine the order of the competitors in each category, determine the absolute winner of the competition, determine the award holder.
- The jury's deliberations are not public, the jury does not publish evaluations.
- The jury's decision is final, indisputable and there is no appeal.
Univ. Prof. Libor Novacek BMus MMus
Professor of Piano, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz, Austria, Professor of Piano, Prague Conservatoire, Czech Republic
Doc. Mgr. Renata Lichnovska
pianist, pedagogue of The Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts Brno, Czech Republic
MgA. Petra Milarova
pianist, teacher of The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, LSF Music School, Loughborough, United Kingdom
Mgr. Jiri Jakes
Principal conductor of Gustav Mahler Philharmonic Jihlava, Czech Republic
MgA. Petr Nouzovský
president, Association of Musical Artists and Scientists, Prague, Czech Republic
Special prices:
Prize of Gustav Mahler Philharmonic Jihlava
(presents the possibility of a concert performance (orchestral or chamber concert) in future years)
Each competitor receives a diploma (by email)
The jury may also award other special prizes, also reserving the right not to award one.
Application shall be submitted exclusively electronically by completing an online form at www.mahler.institute (at the end of this page) and paying a registration fee. A proof of payment of the fee shall accompany the application. Applications may be submitted no later than May 31, 2021. You will receive confirmation of your participation in the competition after you have submitted your application and credited the payment of the registration fee to our bank account.
Registration fee:
Registration fee:
1st - 5th category - € 50
6th - 8th category - € 80
9th - 10th category - € 100
11th category - € 111
The registration fee must be paid in full by bank transfer:
IBAN: CZ4820100000002601525645
Owner: Institut Gustava Mahlera, z.s.
address: Fio banka, a.s., Millennium Plaza, V Celnici 10, 117 21 Prague, Czech Republic
Fee can be paid via payPal (please contact us)
Please, enter the name of the competitor in the note/message to the recipient.
The registration fee is non-refundable.
(Please, fill the application in English. Compulsory fill in bold lines. Proof of payment of the fee is a mandatory annex. You'll see a confirmation after you successfully submit your application.)